What is Expense Tracking and How It Helps an Entrepreneur? February 25, 2017 Money management is not a cakewalk, it requires a lot of dedication and perseverance to maintain a healthy bank account. Expense tracking aids in achieving this feat of managing money with ease and keeping it healthy. Continue Reading
Online Banking + Smartphone = A Very Cool Life March 1, 2015 Banking has never been easier and stress free. This is what the author wishes to share with everyone as he goes about continuing to make life a lot less stressful and have more time to actually enjoy it rather than serve it. With all the recent fast-paced breakthroughs in technology, he points out that many of us have not made the most of it. Continue Reading
Pinteresting: A Look Into Pinterest (And How It Could Work For You) May 20, 2013 Today, Pinterest’s ridiculously easy oneclick curation system has become a platform for artists, bloggers and even entrepreneurs. Here is a little PINTERESTing history and how Pinterest could work for people from different walks of life. Continue Reading