Digital parenting - 4 parents watching their children via their mobile phones

Digital Parenting and Monitoring Solution for Working Moms

Today digital parenting for working moms has become more challenging. Moms have to be tech-savvy in such a way that they should have complete information about the technology and gadgets. Working moms have to be more tech-savvy than their kids and teens otherwise there are chances that they cannot meet with the digital requirements in order to perform digital parenting along with the monitoring solutions to the fullest.

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Father and mother kissing their baby in the cheek

Parenthood: A List of Sure But Unusual Signs that You are Ready

One can never be too prepared to be a parent. No matter how much anyone admits to be set for motherhood and fatherhood, something (in case of kids, someone) comes along, reducing everything that you are as “inexperienced”. The author, a mother of three daughters, shares a few crazy characteristics that actually work as a parent, gathered from her own experience and other parents’ encounter of the “little” kind.

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father and daughter playing together

Real Time Parenting: Additional Tips to Your Never Ending List of Parenting Strategies Part I

For modern day parents who hope to make ends (and timing) meet, we have consulted every blog post, every Pinterest board, Google suggestion, Yahoo answer, and friendlier advice that do not require technology. But then of course, parenthood challenges are unique in every household. Here are a few more, as experienced by the author, which might lend another parent’s hand.

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